Saturday, September 19, 2009

Twitter 101: Are you Tweeting?

Conner, M.. (2009, August). Twitter 101: Are You Tweeting? T + D, 63(8), 24-25,27.  Retrieved September 19, 2009, from ProQuest Education Journals. (Document ID: 1833987711).

Twitter is a social networking microblog. In 140 character-"tweets," people share their business, knowledge, and insights. Twitter offers opportunities to learn from experts that you "follow." (Imagine the professional development you gain from following experts in the field of technology or education.) "Following" someone means that you can read their tweets. When experts share, you benefit. For example, an educator may tweet a website that enhances a lesson. As the follower, you read the tweet and visit the website to see if you can use the information. In a matter of seconds, you are expanding your abilities in the classroom.

Twittering allows people with common interests to connect and expand their circle of influence. Don't think that Twittering is too complicated to learn. There are tutorials all over the Internet. The information/education that is at your fingertips is mind boggling. Take a few minutes to visit the website:, then answer the question: "What are you doing now?"

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